scriptlike 0.5.0
Utility to aid in script-like programs.
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
Utility to aid in writing script-like programs in the D Programming Language.
For easier usage in script-like programs, this is created as one source file with no dependencies.
Since this is intended for script-like programs, the focus is on making such scripts easier and more convenient to write. Optimal performance is secondary to that goal (most scripts are more IO-bound or process-bound anyway), so when necessary this library may accept minor internal inefficiencies for the sake of the primary goal. That said, this IS the D Programming Language, so things aren't exactly likely to be slow overall anyway.
Tested with DMD 2.064.2
- A thin wrapper over std.path and std.file that provides a dedicated Path type specifically designed for managing file paths in a simple, reliable, cross-platform way. No more dealing with slashes, paths-with-spaces, calling buildPath, normalizing, or getting paths mixed up with ordinary strings.
- Optionally enable automatic command echoing (including shell commands, changing/creating directories and deleting/copying/moving/linking/renaming both directories and files) by setting one simple flag: bool scriptlikeTraceCommands
- Most typical Phobos modules automatically imported. Who needs rows and rows of standard lib imports for a mere script?
- Less-pedantic filesystem operations for when you don't care whether it exists or not: existsAsFile, existsAsDir, existsAsSymlink, tryRename, trySymlink, tryCopy, tryMkdir, tryMkdirRecurse, tryRmdir, tryRmdirRecurse, tryRemove: All check whether the source path exists and return WITHOUT throwing if there's nothing to do.
- One simple call, runShell, to run a shell command script-style (ie, synchronously with forwarded stdout/in/err) from any working directory. (Also automatically works around DMD #10863 without waiting for v2.066.)
- One simple function, fail(string msg), to help you exit with an error message in an exception-safe way. (Does require some minor boilerplate added to your main().)
- More to come!
- Registered by Nick Sabalausky
- 0.5.0 released 10 years ago
- Abscissa/scriptlike
- zlib/libpng
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- none
- Versions:
0.10.3 2019-Jul-15 0.10.2 2017-Mar-03 0.10.1 2017-Feb-26 0.10.0 2017-Feb-26 0.9.7 2017-Feb-23 - Download Stats:
6 downloads today
16 downloads this week
66 downloads this month
14140 downloads total
- Score:
- 3.2
- Short URL: